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still photography中文是什么意思

用"still photography"造句"still photography"怎么读"still photography" in a sentence


  • 剧照摄影


  • Photography - colour negative films for still photography - determination of iso speed
    摄影技术.静物摄影用彩色负片. iso感光度的测定
  • Picture sizes and printing masks for film no . 110 , film no . 126 and film no . 135 for still photography
    110 126和135号胶卷静物摄影的图像尺寸和印片遮片
  • Photography - colour negative films for still photography - determination of iso speed iso 5800 : 1987 corr . 1 : 2001
    摄影.静物照相用彩色负片. iso感光速度的测定
  • Ptp photography - electronic still picture imaging - picture transfer protocol for digital still photography devices
  • In addition to retracing the journey of shackleton and his men , " shackleton s antarctic adventure " features the original still photography and 35mm motion - picture footage for the endurance expedition taken by the expedition photographer and cinematographer frank hurley
用"still photography"造句  
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